tobarcar.gif (8214 bytes)
Chassis and Drivetrain
Traction Control
Climate Control
Model History
botbarcar.gif (5461 bytes)
Disassembly / 77 Sliding Roof

LEFT.GIF (130 bytes)Back to 77 Sliding Roof

77 Sliding Roof
    - Step 2: Motor
    - Step 3: Molding
    - Step 4: Sliding Block
    - Step 5: Cables
    - Step 6: Synchronization of Motor
    - Step 7: Height Adjustment
    - Interior Panel
Step 4: Sliding Block
w210H4cap.gif (16234 bytes)
Slide the front of the tilt bracket out of the track and then slide the bracket forward until the sliding block can be lifted out of the track.