6.3 Jump-StartingCars with partially discharged or completely dead batteries can be jump-started using the good battery from another car. When jump-starting the engine, always heed the following warnings.
To jump-start the engine, place the cars close together, but do not allow the cars to touch. With the engine of the car with the good battery off, remove the battery cover from the dead battery and connect the jumper cables as shown in Fig. 6-2. First connect the end of one cable to the positive post of the good battery, and the other end of the same cable to the positive post of the dead battery. The positive post is the fatter of the two posts and is usually marked with a plus (+) sign. Connect one end of the other cable to the negative (-) post of the good battery, and connect the other end of the same cable to the engine block of the car with the dead battery. Make the connection as far away from the battery as possible, as there may be sparks.
Have a helper start the car with the good battery and rev the engine slightly, then start the car with the dead battery. Leave the cars running and disconnect the cables in the reverse order in which they were installed. The car with the dead battery should be run for at least a half an hour to recharge the battery. |
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